Quote for Standard Sized Brightpack Clipbox

Standard Size Boxes are normally in stock at our depots in Shanghai China, or can be supplied within short notice.

Standard Sized Brightpack Clipbox

Type No. External Dimensions (mm)
Internal Dimensions (mm)
bp01 530x530x600 506x506x464 OSB in 12mm
bp02 900x600x600 870x570x458 OSB in 15mm
bp03 1150x600x600 1120x570x458 OSB in 15mm
bp04 1150x800x730 1120x770x588 OSB in 15mm
bp05 1150x800x1130 1120x770x988 OSB in 15mm
bp06 1200x1000x730 1170x970x588 OSB in 15mm
bp07 1200x1000x1115 1170x970x973 OSB in 15mm
bp08 1500x600x600 1470x570x458 OSB in 15mm
bp09 1500x800x730 1470x770x588 OSB in 15mm
bp10 1500x1100x1215 1470x1070x1073 OSB in 15mm


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Services Overview

Brightpack Co.ltd provides collapsible, reusable, cost-saving packaging system which is strong, versatile, and easy to assemble simply with strong steel clips.
Despite being erected with clips, the clipBOXes are very strong and stable. Making them heavy duty boxes, they can take a 15 tonne compression.Boxes can be stacked without the need for racking and they can be reused on average 100 times.

Contact Us

Business Office:

Address: No.600,Senglin Road,Pudong,Shanghai,China
Phone: +86 4008882285
 +86 021-50780040
 +86 021-50781619
FAX:+86 021-68908308-813
E-mail: sales@brightpack.cn